Wednesday, May 19, 2010

im 19 bad.i was not online on the day i officially turned 19 so sbb tu lah update lambat gila because kami 1 bilik (roomies, i heart you people like crazayyyyhhh!) keluar jalan2 naik kete n i was driving dari pukul bape tah sampai around 7 pagi pusing2 1 melaka sbb melaka tuh kecik jer n kitorang tataw nak buat ape lagi n pegi mane lagi.hahah.tapi sumpah seronok,oke?the very unthinkably (mcm pelik jer word nih) fun way of celebrating 19 years of livin.hoo yeaah!

maaf,sumpah buruk gila gambar.muka gila berminyak. haha.

diambil oleh saadah pakai dslr kekasih kawan saya sebelah saya tu, wani

gadek :)

alright,saya dah 19.*sniff sniff*
sumpah rasa tua, okay?last year ade "teen" kat blakang umur tuh.hahah.
anyway, i had a wonderful celebration with the people in Lendu.

Speaking of lendu lah kan? dah abis sem! yeah. sangat menarik my life kat lendu, like seriously, okayy? sepanjang 1 sem bjaye bermastautin di bumi lendu, i am going to list down the 5's

Things I Hate About Lendu
1.panas gile.sumpah panas good seriously
3.wifi sucks.grrrr dear tun putih yg gile babi punye atas bukit n penat nak mampos nak naik sampai level atas skali hari2
5.agak jauh dgn bandar.weh, jauh gile kot sebenanye T_T

Things I Like About Lendu
1.plenty of hot guys *wolf whistle*
2.great people.awww :)
3.cantiklah jugak compared to uitm laen
4.dkt ngn pd :)
5.panas sama cam pd. :D